The need in Wisconsin
As of January 5
there are 5935 children placed in out of home care
Family Connect and our partners plan to decrease the number of out-of-home placements and reduce the stress on foster parents - together we can restore hope to every vulnerable child and family. These children need us to work together.
Many of our unhoused neighbors, those who are incarcerated, and victims rescued from sex trafficking all spent time in foster care.
Between 2019 and 2023, Wisconsin removed 4 fewer children per day and decreased the overall number of children served in OHC by 21%.
While the number of children entering OHC due to neglect is decreasing, it remains the most prevalent reason for children entering OHC, with nearly 54% of children having at least one removal reason identified as neglect.
In 2023, children initially placed with a non-relative foster home changed placements twice as often as children initially placed with a relative. Children initially placed in non-family settings fared worse.
As of 12/31/2023, 21% of children in OHC have been in OHC multiple times throughout their childhood. While the federal standard for re-entry rate is 8.3%, Wisconsin’s reentry rate was 10.4% for children who re-entered OHC within 12 months of returning home.
Discharge Reasons 2023:
• Reunification: 2,156 (54% of total exits)
• Guardianship: 767 (19%)
• Adoption: 688 (17%)
• Aging Out: 206 (5%)